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About Miso

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What is Miso
The History of Miso
Miso & Women

What is Miso?

The Japanese have long known about Miso's remarkable health benefits. Recent research has found that the benefits of Miso arise not only from the nutrients in the soybeans, but also from other ingredients that are the result of actions of aspergillus oryzae used in the fermentation and aging process.


Miso is made from protein-rich soybeans, which contain the amino acids lysine and leucine — essential for good health. Marukome strives to promote great-tasting Miso precisely because it can be such an effective and crucial part of a healthy lifestyle.

Miso boasts a surprisingly low salt content. True, it may taste salty when eaten alone, but when used to make Miso soup, the sodium content is actually relatively low. Potassium-rich seaweed in Miso helps to block sodium absorption. Miso also helps to lower high blood pressure.

Lower cholesterol and prevention of artery blockage

The soybeans from which Miso is made contain protein, fiber, lecithin, and saponin, all of which aid in lowering cholesterol and preventing arterial blockage.

A cleaner, fresher mouth

For years, Japanese have used Miso for its mouth-cleansing properties, particularly helpful in cleaning away the resin buildup that can be the result of too much smoking.

Miso has been studied as a cancer preventative

Japanese cancer research dating back to 1981 has found that daily consumption of Miso soup actually lowered the occurrence of stomach cancer in the studies' subjects. Reduced liver and other cancers were also a result of the study.

Valuable microorganism

Much like yogurt, Miso contains live yeast of a highly beneficial nature, and can be used to repopulate the intestines with beneficial bacteria after a person has taken antibiotics.